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Life with Tomo-kun

It seems like Tomo-kun has always been with us, but it has only been four days! We are head-over-heels in love with this little guy and are so thankful for this wonderful miracle! Like one person told us, we are finding that the learning curve is steep, but the blessings are abundant. He is a happy boy as long as he is fed and changed. Akihiro and his mom have been a great taking care of him as my c-section incision limits what I can do for him. There are good days and hard days, but we are hanging in there. We will be discharged from the clinic on Sunday the 25th. The staff has been great here. Someday I will post some pictures of the meals here--phenomenal! Am running out of steam tonight, so will only post a few pictures from today and yesterday--later will do some of the first pics for those who didn't get them on email. Many are asking about his name--you don't accent any of the syllables--just slurr it all together is best. To-mo-ki.




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The next post in this blog is More Tomoki pictures.

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