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Tomoki Charles Ito was born (finally :) ) on October 17th at 3;33PM by c-section at our local clinic in Hachioji, Tokyo.
He was 4302 grams (9lbs7oz!!) and 52.5 cm(20.7inch).

For the English speaking tongues--it is said like Tow Mow Key :)

The first kanji (Chinese character) "tomo" means "wisdom" and the kanji is the same as Akihiro's grandpa, Tomokazu.

The second kanji "ki" is from the kanji for hope--"kibou". This represents the great hope that little Tomoki-kun has been for us through Mom's passing and Dad's cancer and life in general. It also represents the great hope we have for him and his future--that he can serve the Lord with wisdom.

The middle name "Charles" is my dad's name, as most of you know. We are thankful for the Godly example that Dad has been throughout our lifetime and pray that Tomoki can follow this Godly example as well.

For short, we will call him Tomo-kun :)

Thanks for your prayers for us!


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