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A few happenings and a graduation

We were blessed to have a sister from our church stay with us on Saturday night. Her husband was transferred to the southern island, but she continues to listen to our church services via the phone service. It was very nice to meet her and have fellowship. We all got up early to go to the mountains near our Shioda church for an Easter morning service. We ate instant cup of noodles, fruit, and other goodies after a short Bible reading and song service. It was fairly warm and pleasant for a March morning! We expect the peach blossoms soon!

Today I was priviledged to attend Hannah Klaus's elementary school graduation. It was very interesting to see this aspect of Japanese culture. Many mothers and fathers were there--fathers in suits and mothers in very formal suit style dresses--mostly black, gray, or white. Dumb me--I wore my pink sweater! Oh well, I stand out anyway! The students also were in basically the same dress as the parents. This school doesn't use uniforms, but many Japanese schools do have their students wear a uniform. The ceremony was very formal, starting with the tuxedo-clad principal making announcements, etc. They sang the Japanese national anthem and the school song. Before the principal went to the podium, he always bowed to the Japanese flag. Then the students started filing through to get their diplomas. The teacher called their name (last name first and no middle name--Japanese don't have middle names!--I would be Ito Cay-ah-ri), to which the student properly answered, "Hai!" Then they spoke into the microphone about what their dream was. Most of their dream/desire was to "study hard" or do good at soccer. There were a few more interesting ones such as Hannah's desire to be a guide dog trainer or people wanting to be nurses, teachers, etc. Then they walk to the principal and bow to him. Then the principal gives them their diploma and they pause a deliberate second, take one step backwards and the student and principal both bow again. Then they descend the other side of the stage and bow to some officials on one side of the gymnasium. Then they take their diploma to a teacher who rolls it up in a ribbon and gives it back to them. Once all of them are through, there are more speaches, some songs, and an interesting perfomance where the class stands in front and students begin telling their experiences over their last 6 years. It's difficult to explain, but is kinda neat. Then the ceremony is official ended. (Japanese ceremonies all are very official in their begninning and ending.) Noo throwing hats or crazy spray or anything like that!

This week Akihiro is taking me to a Japanese dentist. She doesn't speak much English, so I'm glad he can go with me--at least for my first time! After my total incomprehension at the dry cleaners today, I'm a bit gun shy! Sometimes I think I'm really getting this Japanese language, but other times, I am overwhelmed by how uncapable I still am.


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