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An update on Dad and a new nephew!

Mom and Dad just recently returned from a follow-up session at Oasis of Hope Hospital in Mexico. The hospital there took a CT scan which revealed that the cancer has not grown, however the CEA level (may indicate the aggressiveness of the cancer cells) was elevated. The doctors there recommended chemotherapy, feeling that the cancer must be fairly aggressive since it did not shrink with the integrated therapies that they have been giving him. He had his first dose of chemo in Mexico and will probably have the next dose in Illinois next month with his regular oncologist. He had some feeling of loss of voice, fatigue, nausea, and “yuck” feeling with the chemo, but most of the side effects have subsided now. We are thankful that the cancer has not grown and that he hasn’t had any symptoms! Thank you for your prayers! Please continue to pray that the cancer will shrink if it is God’s will.

Also, I am pleased to report the arrival of Shepherd Honor Sauder, born to John and Misty!


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