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An update on Dad and a new responsibility for us

Dad met with his oncologist in Peoria on Friday. The PET scan that was completed last week showed that the cancer remains very active, so he will be receiving chemotherapy (as was also recommended by Oasis of Hope Hospital in Mexico). Another PET scan will be taken in about 9 weeks to see how effective the chemotherapy has been. We are praying that the side effects from the chemo are bearable and that it will be very effective against these aggressive cancer cells. Dad remains positive and is pretty much recovered from the side effects of the first chemo treatment he had in Mexico, so we are thankful for that—especially since Mom and Dad plan to leave on Monday to come visit us in Japan! They were not planning to come again so soon, but since we will be having a special ordination service for Akihiro as minister in our Shioda church, they were invited to come! They will be just in time for the peach blossoms in Yamanashi and we are thinking the cherry blossoms will hang on for them! Akihiro and I would also welcome your prayers as he takes on the responsibility to preach the Holy Word of God under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.


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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 31, 2008 10:22 PM.

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The next post in this blog is A visit from my parents, getting in the "new" old house, and Akihiro's ordination .

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