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The Sounds of a Day in Our Home in Japan

Not sure what to write new, but I thought it may be interesting to describe some of the sounds of Japan to you.

In the morning I hear the neighbors sliding their metal doors that cover the windows back to let the sunshine in. Soon after that, I hear the clip-clop clip clop of the wooden Japanese shoes that the little old lady next door wears. Some days I hear a whop, whop noise as the neighbors beat their futons after hanging them on the wash pole. All are such pleasant sounds! The morning is fairly quiet then, but at 1:30 in the afternoon, there is a little song that plays on the neighborhood loud speaker system--I guess it means it is time to go back to work! Then there is a little "going home" song that plays either at 4 or 5 depending on when the sun sets. About that time I hear the metal doors start to slide shut again. In the evening there is a truck that goes driving around selling gas for heaters. They broadcast their sales pitch and play a little song too! One of the best sounds, though, of the whole day is "Ta-daima!" ("I'm home!") from my honey as he walks in the door around 6 PM after a long train ride home! After supper is the fire trucks. They are ringing bells and telling people to make sure they shut off their gas heaters before they go to bed and other safety things. I'm thankful for the little sounds I hear in our quiet little home--thankful we can escape from the hustle and bustle of trains, highways, supermarket music, etc. and enjoy the peace of a home where we feel the Holy Spirit dwells.


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