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Christmas in January, Driving Woes, etc.

Yesterday, a man came to the door, and I tired my hardest to figure out what he was saying. Finally I got it! He would be back around noon and bring 4 boxes from America! We had shipped them by boat about 2 months ago and I was hoping that they would all make the journey safely. I tore into the boxes like a kid at Christmas--delighted with simple things like my big "fix-and-mix" Tupperware bowl--or my salad dressing container--or the other pieces of the step-stool my dad made for me (Works great, Dad!) One of the greatest things, though, was at the bottom of the last box--my scrapbook that was given to us for our wedding! Well, as you can see from the picture, I had plenty to do--clothes stacked all over, boxes to bend into packages less than 50 cm for the recyclable collection, but I had to take a look at that book! It will be so fun to review and remember all the good times! Anyway, now (thanks to Mom's help via web camera) I have pictures on the walls, and a well equipped kitchen for both Japanese and American cooking!

I guess God knew I needed the "Christmas" yesterday because today was not so fun--practice for my driver's test. Bless Akihiro for his patience with me while he tried to teach me and my bad attitude about how to back into parking spaces, correctly pass cars, turn corners, use the hand break, get into the car (10 steps!!!!!!), etc. He tried to teach me the Japanese words that the tester may use--how many different ways do they have to say "turn right"! UGHHHHH! I realize it doesn't do any good to groan or to say, "This is so dumb! I've driven a car for 14 years this way and now they are going to tell me I've been doing it wrong!" I am trying to be calm and take courage in what my sister-in-law told me, "Carrie, God knew what he was doing putting you in this situation. Who else used to drive around using her knee to guide the steering wheel, talk on the speaker phone on her cell phone, eat a sandwich, and write a sticky note!" I try to be appreciative that I do have experience driving--even if it was the "wrong" way--and even be appreciative that I have a car and the financial means to get a license. Yes, I am trying to look at the bright side. It will surely be a miracle if I pass this test!

Just a culture note, the department store/grocery store where I go has a display of these very expensive Japanese dolls sets. Akihiro said they are for a special ceremony for girls in March. The cheapest one was $550!


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