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You mean we don't wear any clothes?!!

Before you think that I have really become indecent, let me explain about the Japanese onsen (hot bath)!

Last night after church (while we were waiting for the traditional Sunday evening Tokyo traffic jams to clear) we went with Matt and Dawn Brake (a young couple visiting Shioda from Sardis, Ohio) to the hot spring. Dawn and I bravely left our men and headed into the lady's bath. Hesitantly, you lock your clothes--yes, all of your clothes--in the locker, desperately hoping that the locker will open when you are done bathing and so you can retrieve your clothes! Nest we had to find the spot to scrub! We sat on small little stools and had a basin, shower, soap, and a towel. It somewhat resembles a Japanese P.E. shower room! Once you are thoroughly clean, you can join other bathers in their birthday suits to soak in various temperatures of pools. There is a sauna, a Turkish bath, and a hot bath open to the outside.

You can take a small handtowel with you--but it doesn't seem big enough for we private Americans! After a nice soak, though, we relaxed and were less self conscious! We had a nice talk and didn't get too many looks from the other Japanese women and children who were bathing. I was glad for Dawn's adventurous spirit so that I could experience this "very Japanese" experience.


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