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Driving in Japan!

Six days in Japan so far, and I have learned--or tried to learn--so much. Today was my first time to drive in Japan. For those of you who don't know, in Japan, we drive on the wrong--oops, a "different"-- side of the road. I only went on the wrong side twice! Thankfully I was corrected quickly and no harm was done! Overall, though, it was very stressful. Akihiro is a very patient driver instructor, for which I am very thankful! In fact right now I am sitting in the lounge at his driving school. He is taking a 20+ hour course so that he can drive a 15 passenger van. Right now he is driving around an "obstacle course" style of park for driving! Driving is a very serious thing here. After today, I can see why. The roads and lanes are very narrow and there are many signs, signals, motorbikes, bicycles, and pedestrians. Just to get a regular driver's license you have to pay $2000 to take a major course. Nothing like driver's ed in high school for nearly free! Thankfully since I have an International Driver's license, I can drive for a year. Then I will have to take a short driving test. I've heard stories already, though, that foreigners have had to take it 10 times before--the test is so picky! I'm glad I have a year to practice!


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