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Well, sorry folks, the "hurray party" was short lived...

Baby-kun seems to be enjoying keeping us waiting! I hesitate to know how many details to share, so I apologize if it is TMI, but it seems that the blog is the easiest way to keep interested people updated. They started pitocin this morning and gradually increased it, but my contractions actually lessened since the removal of the seaweed. They even raised it farther than the standard Japanese maximum, but I could only feel a little contraction as I paced the halls--back and forth, back and forth. The worst discomfort was from my empty stomach growling--it is used to being fed every 4 hours for the last 9 months! There were contractions on the monitor, but not strong enough to do anything, I guess. By the end of the day I had actually shrunk down to 4 cm and the baby is even higher in my pelvis. The doc came in and said that tomorrow morning they will break my water, give the pitocin another try, and if no progress by 3 or 4 in the afternoon, it is a c section. They have been very patient here at the clinic and willing to give the natural childbirth the "college try" for which we are thankful. Also, I can't complain as some women are in real labor for several days, and I sure haven't had much discomfort at all. Baby-kun continues to be very active and is healthy, but Sunday he will be 42 weeks and the risks start going up then. Personally I wonder if he is just too big to descend into my pelvis, but I guess we'll find out what happens tomorrow. Thanks for your prayers! We are actually doing ok with the waiting.


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