« Time is up, Baby-kun! | Main | Hurray for seaweed--and prayers! »

Not ready yet!

Well, the seaweed dilated me only 1 cm more (from 1cm to 2cm) and Baby-kun is not very low and things aren't very "ripe", so they didn't even try the pitocin induction today. They will retry the seaweed tonight again and see how things are tomorrow morning. If things don't ripen up tomorrow then it looks like we will be having a c-section--not sure when. While we would obviously prefer natural delivery, we trust that God knows best and will lead us in the best way. Meanwhile, we are being treated like royalty here--I just got back from the beauty salon! They washed my hair even though I said I could do it myself! I haven't had a hair wash like that since probably Jr. High and Bonnie K.'s hair salon. It felt great! Thankfully also, the doc made an exception and is going to let us out of the clinic for a while--hoping to take a walk--a long walk!! Thanks for your prayers!


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