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Veranda, an outing, etc.

Our veranda has been the latest development at the house. It goes nearly all around the house--except for above the sliding glass door of the family room. Basically its purpose is to hold the air conditioning units, a unit that has to do with our water system (sorry--don't know much more than that!), and a place for hanging up laundry. I didn't think we needed so much veranda (balcony), but this is one "battle" I chose not to fight with the architect! I am so thankful for my "Japanese mom" who stood with me on my choice of base board color as I really didn't like the one that was recommended by the architect. I needed another woman!

The below picture is of the wide part of the veranda. The veranda on the side that is accessed from my laundry room (this is one of my favorite parts of the house as currently my laundry is in the bathroom and I am often in Akihiro's way when I'm doing the laundry). Anyway, this part is a bit wider. Now that we see it, we wonder if it could even be a place for Baby-kun to play--or even grown some veggies--we'll see!

They also started to do some plumbing--the hot water pipe is brown and the cold water pipe is black. I didn't know if they do this in the US. There are many things that are done different here--mostly because we have so many earthquakes--that is the reason for the interesting construction methods.

Things are continuing to move slowly, so who knows when we will be moving--probably for sure not until December. Oh well.

It was a holiday today, so one of the doctors that Akihiro works with at the international clinic and her husband, their darling daughter, and her friend came to our area to visit. We enjoyed their visit!

I went to the doctor on Friday and he said everything looks good--2cm dilated and 60% effaced, so we are wondering if Baby-kun might make his appearance before the due date of October 4th! It is kinda funny because if he waits until October 1st, the government reimbursement for having a baby goes up, so from that standpoint, perhaps it would be good if he would wait, yet there are definitely some pros for him coming earlier too. Akihiro is working from home from now on, so it makes me feel much more relaxed--and a little spoiled! The ultrasound on Friday estimated Baby-kun at 7 pounds at almost 38 weeks. My belly is getting really big--and I am getting those lovely stretch marks that I've heard about! I really get the "looks" when I go for my daily walk on the river. It looks like I am hiding a watermelon under my jumper! Speaking of jumpers--I have two that I have been wearing since getting into the pregnancy clothes--they are the most comfortable. I think, though, that most of the dogs that I see have more clothes than me!


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