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"Shingles" and strange dreams

Today they were putting up the roofing material. It is hard--not like a rubbery shingle--not really sure what it is made of. I assume the little flaps sticking up are for snow--even though we hardly get any!shingles.JPG


On Saturday they had a 90 degree laser level that they used to level the first floor beams. The metal rods that were pictured last post are adjustable.

The windows are supposed to come on the 30th, so that is exciting!

I have heard that pregnancy can bring on strange dreams, so I guess I shouldn't have been surprised when I dreamed that poor Baby-kun came out with about 4 inch long red frizzy hair that stuck strait out--kinda like the troll pencil I got for Christmas when I was in jr. high! He was very small--about the size of that goofy pencil--and so delicate that I broke his head off when I tried to swaddle him! I went running to the nurse and she said it was no problem--he would be all right--and called the surgeon. Needless to say, I was very glad to wake up and acquaint myself with the reality of my large belly that looks like it will definitely produce a decent size baby whose head will most likely be better attached! I'm almost afraid to go to sleep tonight--who knows what I'll dream!


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