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Baby Shower and Baby-kun update


Dear Marie Inoue hosted a baby shower at her home for me. There were about 23 in attendance--church people and Tokyo ladies' meeting attendees. The older Klaus girls had made a diaper baby cake for the occasion! As I am well outfitted with hand-me-downs from Jana and a few others, they gave me money--probably will go to buy diapers and practical things! We played a hilarious game where there were two different types of chocolate crushed in two diapers. The diapers were passed around and everyone could smell and look (no tasting!) at the contents and see if they could name the type of chocolate. It was funny to see these rather classy ladies putting their nose in an open diaper! It was KitKat and Pocky!


Speaking of Baby-kun, he continues to be a very active little guy. His activity and presence have really made me consider turning into a nudist! Poor Akihiro about freezes at night as I crank down the thermostat in our room. He said it was ok if I lower it, just so I give him an extra cover! At the last doctor appointment, his approximate weight was 2 kg! He's probably bound to be a big boy as his daddy was 4.2 kg--over 9 pounds. The other day I was doing my daily walk over to the house to check on the progress and I have to pass through a gate. It just so happened that there was another person passing through about that time. Well, I thought if I turned sideways I wouldn't take up so much room--wrong! I think my depth is larger than my width these days! My belly button is definitely an "outie" now. We had a funeral a few weeks ago and I was scrounging around for some black clothes. It was ok except my belly button protruded a bit. I tried putting a bandaid over it, but didn't suceed. I had a jacket to wear over it, so I don't think it was too noticeable! I am still eating small frequent meals--not much room in my belly for a full stomach, I guess, thus resulting in at least two "feedings" during the night--thus the tupperware of mixed nuts and raisins in our toilet room! Another discovery I made is that my abdomenal muscles have separated, which is why I was having some strange superficial pains. If anyone else had this ever, could you email me? It is no harm to baby, but post delivery I guess can sometimes result in some challenges as those muscles grow back together!

I've got my bag pretty well packed for the birthing clinic! As of this coming Sunday I will be 34 weeks! They gave me a list of things to bring, thus I have acquired some pretty interesting Japanese underclothes and pajamas! Don't worry--no pictures! I would appreciate prayers for a safe and smooth delivery--it makes me nervous enough to have my first baby, let alone in a foreign country where my language skills aren't the greatest yet!


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