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4th Anniversary and a birthday

For our fourth anniversary, we went to a beautiful French/Italian place. The food was delicious and served slow enough that my stomach could keep up with it. We reminisced about our engagement and wedding and talked about being a “family” instead of a “couple” next year at our anniversary—Lord willing. I am so thankful for my dear hubby who has become my best friend who I can easily respect and love!



For my birthday, Akihiro took me to a restaurant we have been curious about. It had the feel of a very old Japanese inn. We had our own little room with a nice view of a little Japanese garden. The best thing was the delicious trout, though—three different types that we grilled over hot coals in front of us.

I thought this little statue guy was kinda cute!

It brought back memories from our honeymoon in Colorado where Akihiro did a similar thing with some trout he caught by fly fishing. On another note, I did not expect to deal with the emotions of Mom’s absence on my birthday. I guess I haven’t put too much emphasis on birthdays since becoming an adult. I was reminded, though, by my mom’s sister’s very thoughtful card how mom always sent a carefully picked-out and meaningful card. My aunt’s card resulted in a bit of a meltdown, but that is ok—I’m used to “meltdowns” by now! The things you least expect can bring up lots of grief emotions. I had been warned to expect this and now truly understand—from smelling fresh green beans cooked the same way mom did—with butter and onions—to using her sewing machine. Well—enough on grief—today is a good day and Baby-kun is kicking me—as if to say—“I can’t wait to get out of this tight place and meet you all!” So thankful for this little guy who gives me such hope!


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