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Breaking ground, Birth class, and Being an actress

Due to rainy weather last week, there wasn’t a whole lot done on our house, but yesterday it dried out enough so that they could start digging. I felt very sorry for the two young men who worked all day with a shovel on the perimeter—digging one meter deep. It’s kinda hard to believe it is really finally happening!


Last week Akihiro (isn’t he great?!) and I went to a birth class at the clinic where I will be giving birth to this little active boy (sometimes I think he’s practicing martial arts in there!). There are two classes before the birth—unfortunately in Japanese only. My first shock was how small the other pregnant ladies were—they hardly looked pregnant! I felt like a moose! Jana says I better get used to it! I had been fairly proud of keeping my weight in the proper range, but as Dad says, “life is a humbling school”! Anyway, we learned about diet and a relaxation technique they recommend called “sophrology,” got a tour of the facility, and did a bit of “Maternity-bics” (I guess it is aerobics for maternity!). The Maternity-bics was my second humbling for the morning. Most of you know that coordination isn’t exactly my forte! Oh well—I didn’t hit anybody at least! The tour was very helpful. They have private rooms available or rooms that hold four laboring women! The standard stay is five days!

On Monday we will be going to a studio to be filmed for our medical English program. My patient is a furry puppet with a guy’s voice--not quite sure how that will be! I’m not very good at this sort of thing, so I will be relieved when it is all over. We’ve been busy editing our scripts and practicing!


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