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Here’s a brief update on Dad

He has finished his 5th chemo therapy for this series. The cancer marker blood test number continues to decrease—which is good news. Also the last PET scan showed no new tumors and that the existing tumors were less active. He also had gained a few pounds since the last doctor’s visit; thanks to all who make the extra effort to feed him according to his diet! The current plan is to continue the chemotherapy as long as necessary (until the cancer marker count is very low) or until there are side effects which become difficult to tolerate. Dr. Veeder is thinking it will take several more treatments. At this point, the side effects (mainly fatigue and some tingling in his feet) are fairly manageable. We are all very grateful for the ongoing prayers and support. Thank you!


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Comments (1)

Jane [TypeKey Profile Page]:

Dear Carrie,

What a blessing you are. Thanks for writing from your heart and for posting the beautiful pictures. What a precious picture of Toru-san! The peach trees are so beautiful. Tomoya and Naomi's wedding was beautiful in every way. Thanks for all that you did to make it possible for them.


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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on April 11, 2009 8:51 AM.

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The next post in this blog is Demolition, peach blossoms, dressing rooms, etc..

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