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Construction, Demolition, and Detectives

First a little report on the "body building" that is going on here! Everyone keeps telling me that it is a good sign to be nauseated and fatigued, so I am trying to be thankful for these pregnancy symptoms (as well as those lovely mood swings), but I am hoping that they subside soon as I enter the second trimester. Can't wait for Dr. appt. next Wednesday when I get to see the little booger! We found a clinic 10 minutes from our house and the doctor speaks good English, so that is a huge blessing--I can go there by myself! We told the church people on Sunday and I immediately got a whole host of advice--between Chinese old wives tales and Japanese old wives tales, I can't do anything--no hanging up wash (reaching above my head), no working on computers, and for sure, no driving (that is a big one with some Japanese). I try to take all the advice kindly, but I can't help smiling--especially when one lady tells me I need to wear 3 or 4 pairs of underwear to keep my body warm--uggh! Srping has sprung here and it is too hot to wear that much underwear!

Anyway, enough about that. They started tearing down our old house last week. It has been a lot slower than we thought--I kinda wondered when the head boss had a 100 yen coin in his ear--what kind of person is this?! Anyway, here are a few pictures of the progress for about 5 or 6 days of work. They are taking the storage shed down piece by piece. Then they can park their machine in that space to take down the concrete office.




Will hope for more "drastic" pictures next week!

Last night we got an envelope in our mail box from a police department in another prefecture. Inside it stated that they wanted to talk to Akihiro about a dead body they found in a suitcase in another prefecture--yikes! We conjurred up all kinds of ideas--did this body live in this house before, did someone involved in the crime live here, on and on. It was a bit creepy to say the least! Well, it turns out that the suitcase that was in question can only be purchased from Cainz Home (kinda like Lowes). There were three of these suitcases bought from our local Cainz Home, so the detectives were visiting all of these people to see their suitcase. So the detectives came this am, flashed their badges, examined our suitcase, asked some questions, and went on their way--whew!


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