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Catching up

As I emptied my photo card in preparation for my trip to America on Sunday, I realized that there were some pictures I haven't shared yet. I have a cold now, so am trying to lay low, hoping it will get better soon! I plan to be in Tremont until Monday the 9th. Hope to see some of you then! I've got the freezer stocked with natto (fermented soy beans) for Akihiro and he can make rice, so he says he should be just fine! Actually he will at his job in Chiba for some of those days too.

We enjoyed Dean and Karen Beutel's visit last weekend. The weather couldn't have been better and we got very good views of Mt. Fuji. Winter skies are so clear here!

Here is a very late picture from when Ryan and Becky Weiss from Singapore were here. We had a triple date to a Japanese restaurant. It was fun!

We also went to Showa Kinen Park and enjoyed the beautiful Christmas decorations.

Here's one more picture from the north island trip that I forgot to include last time. It is a squid that is cut into strips to eat like noodles--look delicious???!

Finally, here is a good shot of Rainbow Bridge in Tokyo Bay at night.


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