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Updates on Mom and Dad

Updates on Mom and Dad

Perhaps you have heard the news already that my mother had a stroke and is in serious condition. There is a caring bridge site that can be accessed for more information. www.caringbridge.org and enter “miriamsauder” She looks so peaceful and for that I am so thankful.

Earlier this month Dad had a PET scan that revealed recurrence of the cancer. Lord-willing he will have another round of chemotherapy in January. We are taking one day at a time, though, and know that God’s grace is sufficient.

I arrived safely here at the hospital where mom is around 2:30 AM and later will write about the dear angels who helped me. Akihiro is in the air now. We covet your prayers for both Mom and Dad and for all of our family. I have already felt so much strength from the prayers—thank you. I feel very peaceful despite everything. This feeling can only be possible through the God’s faithful and comforting Spirit.


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