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Odds and ends

Sorry for not blogging lately--haven't had much I could write about. One new thing is that Akihiro started a new part time job. He will be working two Saturday mornings a month at Tokyo Medical Surgical Clinic near Tokyo Tower. He found out about the clinic when he went to have a physical to get his green card. The clinic is run like an American clinic and lots of foreigners come there. On his first day he saw people from UK, Australia, France, America, Japan, and a lot of "halves" (that is the term they use here for children with parents of two different countries). He really likes the fact that he can use his English and medical skills at the same time--said he feels like he is in America--charting in English, prescribing American medications, etc. I am really happy for him!

We also have another job in the works...There is a cable TV channel here that is for medical people. In the past, Akihiro did a program for them on his residency at SIU, but now after they saw our book, they would like us to do a program for their program--also to make a DVD. So, I am writing scripts--"I have a burning pain in my stomach.....I have a burning pain in my stomach." I guess I will probably be the patient and Akihiro the doctor for the program--unless any of our readers wants to come over and be an actor/actress for us:)

We have been having some lovely fall days here lately. One day we took a walk by the river and enjoyed the beautiful cosmos. I've got a beautiful picture, but the problem is that my computer isn't working right now--waiting for a part in the mail--so I am using Akihiro's and I can't read Japanese Windows! Maybe later!


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