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Still a foreigner!

I was hungry driving home from a ladies meeting at the Tokyo church (where, by the way, I got rid of lots of my stuff from the old house--yippee!!!!!!!). I spied the McDonald's (Macdonaldo in Japanese letters!) and felt a craving for a double cheeseburger rise. So, I tried out the drive through. I saw the dabulu chizu ba-ga on the menu and told that to the voice on the other end of the speaker. She said something to me that I didn't get but I just said "hai" (yes). So, I drive up to the window and she asks for 100 yen ($1). Hmm...didn't think they were that cheap...but oh well, maybe it's like the dollar menu. She graciously hands me the receipt with two hands and disappears. Her smiling face appears with a tall vanilla ice cream cone. Her smile faded when she saw my downfallen face. Ah...machigaimashita! (I made a mistake!) I repeated the dabulu chizu ba-ga and she immediately understood! I was too flustered to quick buy the cone as the supervisor came to rectify the problem on the register. Pretty soon a very apologetic girl appeared with my burger! I snarfed it down--ahh, tasted just like America!


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