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An update from Mexico...

We arrived yesterday in Tijuana, Mexico to visit my parents. They are both doing well. Dad's CT scan showed that the cancer had not grown since the initial CT scan, so we are thankful for that. His treatments here have been very tolerable--the worst side effect being a little bit of "yuck" feeling for the first week as his body was "detoxified". Now he is feeling fine--in fact I had to hurry to keep up with him on our walk to the beach. He is definitely the healthiest patient they have in this hospital right now. We have met many of the patients and their companions and are starting to get that "family feel" too. The staff is friendly and helpful, though they are on Mexico time which requires a bit of patience! Dad is keeping busy with reading, computer work, treatments, walks, even attending some meetings at home via telephone! Mom also keeps busy with much of the same, but has already put her skills to good use by organizing the puzzle and book cupboard.

We headed across the border early this am in order to get my Chinese visa for our upcoming trip to China. Taxi, walk, trolley, taxi, trolley, walk, taxi....something like that. Oh yeah, and you don't just get in the taxi. First you say, "Will you take me to Oasis of Hope Hospital for $10?" Otherwise you are going to have to barter at the end of the ride.

Sorry, the jet lag is catching up with me, so that is all for now. I hope to post some pictures in the next couple of days.


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