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Akihiro is 30!

Today was Akihiro's 30th birthday! I couldn't think of anything too exciting for his birthday gift, but he seemed pleased with his special running socks and a poem I wrote for him. (He likes my corny poems better than Hallmark!) Since my voice isn't the greatest, I thought I would get some help via my online Skype telephone, so I called Dad's cell phone. They were at a Fritz picnic at my brother John's place, so he had quite a few folks to sing for him--he was quite pleased--even though in America, it wasn't his birthday yet! For supper he wanted to go to the Kaiten Sushi Place--that's where you can see the sushi move by you on conveyor belts and choose anything you want for 100 yen. We will be having a birthday party for him and some of the Klaus's tomorrow night and I am hoping to pull off a Mexican-style birthday--cake (or a very small piece of pie with lots of whipped cream, in this case) in his face! (On his first trip to Mexico, he got cake in his face, and loved it, so I think I am safe to try it again!)

I got an email from the lady I met at the grocery store! She would like to meet me for lunch, but wants to wait until we get back from Europe because there is supposed to be a typhoon coming the end of this week! We leave for a week long trip to Europe on Saturday with Akihiro's mom and sister. When we told them about our trip last year, they wanted us to be tour guides for them! We are definitely willing! We will be starting in Salzburg, Austria, then visiting the Alps and ending in Chamonix, France for French food and French Alps!

On a more spiritual note, I thought I would share a few statements that I heard recently that were helpful to me...

May I seek to be joyful and thankful in all things rather than to let emotions or circumstances run my life.
It is more important to model humility (through God) than to model perfection through my own strength.


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