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"Would you like raw egg with that order?", etc.

Well, things have been busy around here lately, but also extremely blessed. We were blessed to have Frank and Kathy Sauder here for a week. They stayed with us a few nights and we accompanied them to Yamanashi for a few days. We enjoyed touring a small village of thatched roof houses that have been rebuilt as a sort of museum (see photo below of them drying washi paper in big strainers--for my neices and nephews, this is the paper I gave you!). We also enjoyed going to a lily park where they have planted tons of lilies on a ski slope (also see pic below). All of the Japanese believers and friends (who could come) gathered together at the base of Mt. Fuji at a hotel/conference center for our summer shuyokai or fellowship meeting. We have this meeting twice a year and in the summer we stay overnight. The Holy Spirit truly was with us as we learned about God's silence through Bro. Frank. We learned that even if it seems God is silent, He has a plan for our lives and our circumstances that is bigger than we can imagine or understand. How thankful we can be to have such a powerful, yet loving God to orchestrate our lives.

Speaking of God orchestrating lives, thanks to many of you who have prayed for us in regards to Akihiro's job situation. For now he is doing a sort of trial run at a few things. He is working for his parent's company to see how that works, yet is looking for a once a week job as a home doctor--either in Yamanashi or Tokyo area. He will continue his work 2 times a month at a hospital teaching residents. We feel at peace that God is directing us in this way at least for the short term and will continue to pray for God to lead us in the long-term.

Now, for an explanation of my title.... On Monday Akihiro took me to a Japanese fast food type restaurant. Sorry, I can't remember the name of the chain. It was an interesting experience as I could see the fast food concept applied to Japanese food! Before you even enter the place, there is a big menu and a vending machine-like thing that has lots of buttons showing the menu items. So, we chose our lunch--ginger pork "value set" for me and gyudon curry for Akihiro. We put our money in the machine and it spit out a little ticket. We entered the restaurant and handed the ticket to the lady at the counter and sat down. Soon our food came--it was delicious. The "value set" means you get miso soup, a salad, and rice with your meal--not a drink and fries! The miso soup is made quickly by putting some seaweed in a small bowel and dumping miso broth and tofu over the top of it. So we start eating and I was inspecting the little paper in front of me. Ah, you can get a side order with your meal. No, it isn't an apple pie or a milk shake! How about a raw egg, pickled vegetables, spicy kimchi, tofu, fermented soy beans, or sticky yam, etc with your meal!? It was also interesting to see the men come in and woof down their food in 1/3 of the time it took me to eat my meal! Ah yes, just another Japanese experience!

Next week we will be going to Hokkaido, the north island for an Ito Family vacation. Akihiro's brother and his wife are home for a few weeks, so it will be good to be together!

Last, but not least...a few pics of our recent adventures!




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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 2, 2007 10:29 AM.

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The next post in this blog is Japanese Festival, Squid Spaghetti.

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