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Japanese letters, toys, and, of course...food!

Nothing too earth-shattering here, but a few things of interest perhaps....

1. Receiving a postcard that starts out "Dear Carrie," but the rest is in Japanese!
2. Going to look at the toys at a department store with Elizabeth and Charity Klaus and seeing toy kits to make your own sushi or takoyaki (octopus balls!)
3. Trying to figure out how to put three large storage boxes in a Japanese style cart, only to give up and try to carry them all three at a time! Soon a store clerk saw me and raced to my rescue--must have looked kinda dangerous! I was embarrassed!
4. Getting odd looks as I got in/drove Ehnle's van with its yellow and orange sticker marking it as an elderly driver!
5. Making octopus out of hot dogs for a luncheon with my friend from church and a bunch of kids.
6. Eating a gorgeous plate of sashimi (raw fish) at a restaurant on the last night that Akihiro's brother and sister were here in Japan.
7. Eating a bunch of kyoho grapes that are worth at least $9 and each grape is as big as a small plum and delicious!

Akihiro is gone at a workshop for the next few days, so I am trying to organize our closets! These aren't your ordinary closets! They are made for stacking futons (like sleeping bags) in them every morning, so they are very deep. Thus the shopping trip for storage boxes (also in part to birthday money from Akihiro's Dad!). We also got a bookshelf out of our storage unit (Akihiro's parents' old office stuff), thus driving the Ehnle's van!





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