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Anniversaries, homework, etc.

Today is the 53rd anniversary of the day that Willis and Lois cruised into Yokohama Bay in Japan on a big freighter, so we are going to go out to eat tonight to celebrate. Also, tomorrow is the 2 year anniversary of the day Akihiro got his answer that I would marry him! Wow, seems like longer than 2 years! Anyway, Lois has been reminiscing of those first days in Japan, so I thought I would share a few things. The freighter they came on could not dock in the port, so a speed boat picked them up and brought them to their new land. They stayed with the Utsuki family until they could finally find a Japanese person who would rent to a foreigner. Willis started university a few days after their arrival to learn Japanese intensively. Lois sat with one of the Utsuki girls and went through a catalog, pointing to items and saying them in Japanese and English, so both learned some vocabulary! They had brought a minivan-like vehicle with them with all their earthly goods, but a big beam had landed on the van in the freighter, so they couldn't get all of their belongings for a while! Their first home was in a bamboo thicket and they soon learned that bamboo thickets breed mosquitos. Screens on the windows were the first order of business! Very few Japanese had cars, so Lois usually had a passel of kids wanting to go along with her when she would get in the van to drive to Utsuki's to do laundry, etc. The Japanese didn't really know what to do with this couple, so everything was, "Hajimete des, hajimete des!" That means, "First time to do this!" Speaking of Willis, here's one of my favorite poses of him!


The peach blossoms are just ending, but the dogwoods are starting to take their place. Many of the streets are lined with every other white and pink ones.



Here's a picture of my homework for those of you whose computers can't support Japanese language! It sure isn't getting any easier! I often think of what one sister said to me regarding learning Japanese--cry, study, speak, and pray! That is right!



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The next post in this blog is A new "job".

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