« "Specialty" Shopping, First Step towards Japanese Driver's Lesson Accomplished, "Itty-Bitty" Car | Main | Car picture! »

The Land of Garbage--or is that the Land of Dreams!

When Tom and Dale where here, we visited a very tall ferris wheel--110 meters or so tall! We got a great view of the area. Akihiro explained that much of this land is made from garbage! They used to call it the "Land of Garbage", but that doesn't sound very inviting, thus the name change to Land of Dreams! In fact, Akihiro's parent's house is also on this land made of garbage! We passed an island that looked very barren. They let it sit for several years to settle before they can build on it! From this picture you can also see the beginnings of the tunnels under the water of Tokyo Bay--wow!

We had a blessed Sunday today. The Klaus family visited this Sunday as the building committee met with an architect about a possible church renovation project. It is a big undertaking for our small church, so we would appreciate your prayers as we proceed! We want God's name to be glorified and our church to grow in number and love!


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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 14, 2007 3:58 PM.

The previous post in this blog was "Specialty" Shopping, First Step towards Japanese Driver's Lesson Accomplished, "Itty-Bitty" Car .

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