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Cold knees, hide and seek, etc.

Sorry about my generic titles! Nothing too earthshaking to report today, but since Akihiro is gone at a conference for the next three nights, I have some extra time, so perhaps will get too wordy in my blog! Anyway, a few observations from today...

On my way to the station today, there are tons of uniformed girls walking from the train station to a bus to go to a private girl's school. They all have nice wool coats, knee socks, and boat shoes, but their knees are bare--looks terribly cold! Today was about 2 degrees in the morning (Celsius, that is!). I was trying to figure out why the skirts are different lengths, but then I saw a girl on the train rolling her waist band up! The male students usually go to a different school. The funny thing about them is they have these dressy uniforms, but then they wear their pants so they look like they are going to fall off--just like U.S. teenagers!

I spent the day with my friend today and enjoyed playing hide-and-go seek with the 2 youngest children. I'm thankful I figured out something I can do with them that doesn't require much communication! The three year old gets pretty frustrated with my pat answer of "Sumimasen, wakarimasen" (I don't understand!)

Did you know we have a 100 yen menu instead of a dollar menu at McDonaldo's?


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