« Oops--forgot another noteable event! Our first vegan dinner and first singing in our new home! | Main | Happy, though old, teeth and...more comments on rice! »

Christmas in Japan

As I wrote in the previous blog, there is much commercialization about Christmas here in Japan, so it seemed very odd that when the day actually came, it seemed like just another day! People went to work, children went to school--business as usual! As I write this, I thought of the day when Jesus was born--I am assuming it was "business as usual" that day too! On earth, only the shepherds, wise men, and Mary and Joseph knew of this wondrous event! I am so thankful that though Christmas is a special day to celebrate the birth, every day we can and should remember our Savior!

Our Christmas though, was very special! For us, it started on Sunday with a special Christmas service and dinner! I enjoyed all the special food, except the funny seaweed rice balls--this seaweed looked like cobwebs! The two Sunday school children sang some songs and read a few lines about the Christmas story. Three-year old Koshin read much better than I can! They were so cute! On Christmas morning, we spent 3 hours on the web camera at the Ehnle's home watching the Sauder family eat homemade pizza and open their presents. It was very special to sing Silent Night with them in both Japanese and English--only a split second time delay! Also, Bro. Willis had the prayer after their meal! How wonderful to be connected with our family through this technology! They all enjoyed opening their snacks I had purchased for them from the 100 Yen Store. Not too sure about the dried squid, though! It was interesting to realize how different American toys are than Japanese--Lois said she didn't think you could buy any farm implement toys here in Japan! Interesting how the culture affects so many different things--I am always learning! After a light lunch, I went to Japanese class. No holiday from that! So frustrating to find that numbers change depending on what they are referring to! When I returned to the Ehnle's, Vicki Ramseyer told me that the way to get through Japanese lessons is, "pray, cry, and listen!" Sounds about right! I don't know which is worse--I either feel like crying or get angry at this language thing! Anyway, I helped Lois prepare a festive dinner for 8 of us from the Shioda area. It was very yummy! I missed my family gatherings, Tremont church service, Christmas caroling, American feasts with homemade Christmas cookies and candy, and just the whole Christmas atmosphere that happens when a whole society celebrates a holiday, but I felt very thankful to have a blessed Christmas--different than "home," yes, but a blessing just the same!

I may be kinda quiet on the blog for the next week! There are lots of activities here for the New Year's holiday and we are looking forward to a visit from Tom and Dale! Everyone have a blessed New Year!


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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 26, 2006 8:08 AM.

The previous post in this blog was Oops--forgot another noteable event! Our first vegan dinner and first singing in our new home! .

The next post in this blog is Happy, though old, teeth and...more comments on rice! .

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