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A new duty for Akihiro, Carrie attends "school"

Akihiro's job continues to go well at the nursing home. Today he told me it was his day of the month to taste the food prior to the resident's lunch! I guess this is a common practice here--perhaps reminiscent of the old days when the servants tasted the food for the royalty. I asked him if he could make suggestions about the food--a little more soy sauce, a little more mirin, etc.--but it doesn't sound like he can use his "gift of tongue" in that manner!

Today we had a special ladies meeting at Tokyo church. Bro. Mark Bahr had a nice Bible Study and the ladies asked lots of good questions which resulted in a blessed conversation. After themeeting, I went to my church friends house for my cooking class and enjoyed it very much. First I learned about grocery shopping--how to get a discount if you bring your own plastic bags (great news for the cheapskate in me!)--helps if you can read the signs! Then 3 year-old Yukako helped us wash oysters and dip them in flour, egg, and bread crumbs to prepare them for frying later. They were good! (Actually I remember someone saying that anything prepared in this manner is good!) We also made an interesting side dish with beans, carrots, seaweed, and some sort of pressed fish patties. It was also quite good! Yukako also provided much entertainment for us. She indicated that she wanted me to play with her in her tatami room and pointed to sit down with her little brother. Then she passed out books to each of us and marched to the front of the room, bowed low, said "good morning" (in Japanese, of course) and started emphatically speaking about many things of which I had no idea. I assume she was imitating her kindergarten teacher and we were playing school! Speaking of kindergarten--I went with Yoko (my friend) to pick her up at the bus stop. She had fallen asleep and had to be carried home, but once home, she takes off her smart little uniform with its cute little beret hat, plaid skirt, and little white shirt and is ready to go! I'll have to take my camera sometime!


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