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Rice, rice, and more rice!

Perhaps it is something with my DNA, but I am having a difficult time eating rice 3 times a day! I feel like I am turning into a rice ball myself! Akihiro can eat rice about 3 times as fast as me and can eat almost twice as much as me. Now, many of you know that I usually have a good appetite, so I guess it's just proof that I am not Japanese! Oh well, I am starting to look for ways around this white "monster"! One way I have discovered, is to make rice balls for Akihiro's lunch, while I myself enjoy some pork and beans or PBJ--something besides rice, anyway! A rice ball is a triangle-shaped ball that can have a variety of things in the center--fish, pickled vegetables, pickled fruit, nato (fermented soybeans), etc. This ball is then wrapped in toasted seaweed. Akihiro thinks they are delicious. I think they are ok if I haven't had rice already that day! I am going to try to incorporate more noodles into our meal plan--the Japanese really like noodles, too. Hopefully I won't get "noodled-out" too!

A few other updates:

Today it is raining out. I must be the only one in the neighborhood who didn't read the weather forcast because no other people have wash on their balconies today. There's probably no hope for it getting dry today! We rarely use dryers because they are so inefficient. Ours is in the attic if I need it. Today I may have to give it a try!

No word on the job specifics--other than a big box of grapes as a gift from the company. The grapes from Yamanashi (Shioda area) are huge--almost like a small plum! They are so sweet!

I will go to the 100 yen store (like a dollar store) to check on some dishes I need to supplement the dishes I got from Akihiro's grandma. This store is great!

We got our curtains yesterday. It is wonderful to not have to prop up cardboard! Before I hung the curtains, I attacked the mold on the wood on the windows--lots of scrubbing and black, black water really made a difference. The hair dryer idea worked great, mom!

Today the bedroom is my project! There are heaps of clothes from our moving boxes. We got some storage totes yesterday from Jana, so hopefully we will get more organized. Especially because we will be having Matt and Dawn Brake as guests on Sunday night! We are looking forward to that!


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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 3, 2006 9:55 AM.

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The next post in this blog is Yet another adventure--Hover Craft! & other details.. .

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