
Personal musings Archives

January 28, 2007

Trusting God

Not too much new here, so I will just give you some of my recent musings--that age-old challenge of trusting God! One would think that after God has been so faithful in so many things, that one would not hesitate to give Him complete control over every aspect of life! (Why do I think I have control over it anyway?!) But--I guess this human flesh brings with it the need to re-learn these basic truths--and trust!

So, what is all this philosophical talk about?! I hesitate to be so transparent, but maybe someone else can benefit from these musings. I remember hesitating years ago to tell God that I wold go anywhere, do anything He wanted me to, trust Him in whatever. He provided me with grace to give up my own will and has led me in a path of great blessings. But now that He has brought me here to Japan, do I still have that willing attitude? With my hubby gone for a few days, I found myself scared to say, "All-powerful God, I trust. I lay no hold on my husband, my life, my circumstances. Do whatever Thou seest best." Again, I must learn to trust again remember that "no good thing will he withold from them that walk uprightly."

Have a blessed day!

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