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January 2010 Archives

January 20, 2010

Home from America

Here are a few pictures from before we went to America.




Thanks for all the prayers for our trip home to the States. Tomoki did great! He got kinda tired of being held, so we padded both of our tray tables and then laid him on top and wrapped a blanket around him and the tray table (yes, I know, we restrained our child to the tray table!). He was happy as a clam and kicking all extremities until he fell fast asleep. He didn't cry hardly at all!

Here he meets some of his cousins!


Our family Christmas...




Since we've come home, he's really taken a liking to the lazy boy! He is his father's son, I guess! The day after we came home Akihiro and I came down with some sort of bug--I'll spare the details, but just say it wasn't pleasant. Thankfully Tomoki didn't get it and Akihiro's mom came and took care of us for 2 days. We are finally on the mend and getting adjusted back to this time zone!



Here are some pictures of our house! They say it should be done by Feb 20th....we'll see!



I forgot to say that we did Tomoki's 3 month exam last Saturday. He is at the top of the charts for height and slightly above average on weight.

6.6 kg. (14 pounds, 9 ounces)
64 cm (25.2 inches)

January 30, 2010

Tomo-san and Tomo-kun, etc

We had the whole immediate Ito family to our house for sukiyaki last Saturday night. A good time was had by all...

We went to visit Akihiro's grandpa, Tomokazu. The kanji for Tomo in Tomoki's name we chose in honor of him. I think you will agree with me though, that Tomoki is a bit easier for the American tongue to say than Tomokazu!

Our good Chinese friend, Li, had brought back some very warm looking clothes that his mother made. I couldn't decide which smile I liked better, so I put both in! His "flicker" smile is getting a bit longer now. He's quite the charmer--even this am at 3 am (groan--this growth spurt or 3 month thing or whatever it is that made night time waking times get more frequent!) But, how can you get angry with a cute grin like that?!!!

We reserved a moving truck for the first Saturday in March!!!! They started hanging wallpaper this week!


About January 2010

This page contains all entries posted to Welcome to ITO NEWS in January 2010. They are listed from oldest to newest.

November 2009 is the previous archive.

February 2010 is the next archive.

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