« A visit from my parents, getting in the "new" old house, and Akihiro's ordination | Main | A Saturday off, Koi Nobori, and a few house pictures »

Sermons, smiles, and stuff

Sorry to be so late reporting on Akihiro's first sermon, etc.! His first sermon went well. I think both he and I took a deep breath when he stepped up to the pulpit the first time, though! (Wow, this is really happening?!) Once he said good morning ( in Japanese) it all seemed to flow well and he commented on how inspired he felt. Because he was used to speaking in front of the congregation every other Sunday for a Bible Study, it didn't make him--or me-- too nervous!

I was going to comment a bit on my visit to the dentist. First of all, when you come in, you take your shoes off and don slippers. The first time I went, they only did the bottom teeth. I was kinda just sitting there with my mouth wide open waiting, when I got the point that the dental hygienist was done with me until the next appointment. This is standard for Japanese dentists I guess. Everything else is pretty much the same.

I am working full steam ahead on the stuff at the house--katezukimas ("putting in order" in Japanese). The neighbors all keep telling me to hang in there and keep commenting that it is teihen (troublesome). It is a bit troublesome, but it is kinda fun too. After probably about 16 hours of working on the kitchen/entry way/living room, I am just about done! When I uncover a box, I don't have any idea what might be in it--sometimes foreign money, sometimes neat stationary, sometimes interesting artwork, sometimes stinky old seaweed or overly dried squid, etc. There are lots of neat dishes to add to my "souvenier shop"! Because of the garbage situation here, it really takes a lot of sorting--burnable and non burnable (which I pay 75 yen for a 40 liter bag--which I stuff to overflowing!), save for me, save for others, save for souveniers, paper garbage, cardboard, glass (needs to be rinsed out at the nice neighbors outside spiget), old clothes/ fabric, PET bottles, styrofoam, batteries and light bulbs. I can only put 3 large bags out at a time, so I am now depositing trash at the Klaus's and at my current house, and the new house. My little car is turning into a garbage truck! I met the neighbor in front of our house and he is an older man who has had a stroke, so it is pretty difficult for me to communicate with him, not understanding Japanese that well in the first place. The new neighbors think I understand a lot more than I do, but I think I get the main jist--at least I hope so!

We have this revision of our book turned in, so will await a final copy to review! What a relief! The late cherry trees are still blooming and the pink and white dogwoods have really started to get pretty. The birds are singing and I am happy to report that my favorite Japanese bird, the Japanese nightingale can still be heard at the new house!


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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on April 22, 2008 9:39 PM.

The previous post in this blog was A visit from my parents, getting in the "new" old house, and Akihiro's ordination .

The next post in this blog is A Saturday off, Koi Nobori, and a few house pictures.

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